Thursday, December 31, 2009
In my book, there are two kinds of hypocrisy: DO AS I SAY, NOT AS I DO: This kind of hypocrisy occurs when the [said] offender gets on his or her soapbox to proclaim their convictions with such gusto, but then has the nerve break their own rules. And then, to make it worse, they dismiss their actions with a quick & dismissive, "oh, well that's different". Ooooh, them are fighting words. I don't care who or what you are, just own it! Don't pretend to be a saint and judge everyone else, then sleep with half the town. Ya know?
Like this person, for example....she gets up on her hind legs and rants about cancer awareness and makes everyone else feel like shit for not doing as much work as she has on the issue, then has the audacity to blow cigarette smoke in all of our (non-smoking) faces. Or the person who lies, cheats and is basically a cunning, calculating, con-artist, but then berates someone for not sending a birthday card. (hypothetical, of course).
Moving on... WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE GOOSE ISN'T NECESSARILY WHAT'S GOOD FOR THE GANDER: The husband is FAMOUS for this one and it is often what causes me to envision taking a shovel to his kneecaps. This offense comes in all shapes and sizes in our household. I should preface this paragraph with a bit of background on the matter. He likes to pick on me. Not in a controlling, Lifetime Movie kind-of-way, but in a petty, joking kind-of-way. The man loves to point out my mistakes. This is where I've adopted the nickname "Luuu-cyy". Get it? My big Cuban husband (ok, he's mexican) and his ditzy white wife. He'll gripe at me for spending money on things that we'll genuinely need, then he'll shamelessly buy a Harley Davidson, riding lawn mower, snow blower, every single article of clothing that Harley has ever made, goes out to lunch every single day, buys the kids ridiculous gifts just for simply being adorable, and every other unnecessary trinket or tool that's ever been brought into this house that's only purpose is to make life a tad more convenient for him. Then I'll be like, "babe, I gotta run to Target and get a new mop" he'll be all, "WHAAAAT??? That's crazy, just use a toothbrush". Ok, I'm exaggerating, but you get the point. But it doesn't always have to do with money. It can come down to parenting, diet, chores, in-laws, etc... Hypocrisy in any form is a real touchy subject with me. As you can plainly see.
Anyway---in addition to my funny stories, I'll often use my blog to vent about issues that rattle me. Call it passive aggressive--whatev. It makes me feel better.
Stay tuned for my next blog about 'insecurities'. :-) Except you have to pronounce it
"in-seh-kurr-i-tee" Like Bon Qui Qui (my favorite You Tube video---if you haven't seen MUST).
M'WAH xo
Friday, December 18, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
the REAL Christmas letter
This year, our little Becky graduated from beauty school. She's turned out to be a real bitch, just like her older sister. Which comes in handy when looking for a husband--not. We keep telling her that she's looking in all the wrong places, but she insists that the Mobile Gas Station on 44th street has the biggest dipsticks in town. Whatever that means.
We finally laid to rest our sweet Mee-Maw. Dang thing lived to be nearly 93. Well, we didn't so much 'lay her to rest' as forget to feed her for quite some time. We figured we'd keep her death a li'l secret....that is, until her social security ran out. We was livin' high on the hog for a while. White Castle every night... But that's all a passing fancy since our dog, Brutus dug her up and the nosy neighbor kid told his parents. Well, one thing lead to another and next thing you know, we've got the po-po knocking on our front door. There went that cash cow! Ah, it was fun while it lasted.
But, it's not all bad. Tom's parole hearing went off without a hitch. His release is set for 2034 and that's not so far if you think about it. Figure, he's probably learning some mad skillz in prison, more so than he'd learn out on the streets.
If anyone is wondering what to buy us for Christmas this year, don't get all crazy. You know we don't like hand outs. But Carl jr. needs a new mattress (he chewed his old one) and I could really use a carton or two of cigarettes. Maybe a bottle of booze (any booze will do) and a puffy paint kitty sweatshirt. That'd be real nice.
Ha ha ha.... I'm just kidding. That would never happen. This is more like how my Christmas letter would read, should I ever have the stones to write one:
This year sucked. Jason works non-stop and I'm stuck here between these four walls for days on end. Jason tells me to find a hobby, but I'd rather just complain about being bored.
Gabe...... Um. Let's see. What can I write about Gabe that won't land me in jail? He's got the most darling eyelashes you've ever seen. He has a very healthy appetite, despite looking manorexic. His hobbies include eating non-edible things and that about sums up Gabe.
Me? Oh, don't worry about me. No, no, it's allllllll about the kids. It's children first in this family. Oh, I'm sorry, do you NOT speak sarcasm? No? Well, if you're going to live in my world, you really ought to learn the language.
Monday, December 7, 2009
etiquette lessons required
Only the upper level management has been invited, which really only amounts to maybe 4 men (and their wives). I have been to 2 other company events----one was a Christmas party and my behavior was hardly noticed because I was lost in a sea of 300 other drunks. The second function was a company picnic and I busied myself with my kids, so I was somewhat able to keep my nose clean that day.
But these new developments have me in a quandary. Me nervous. So many things can go wrong. So many variables. What do I wear? Do I bring a hostess gift? Will it be catered or will I have to roll up my sleeves and help with dishes? Shall I except a drink if offered? That's silly, of course I will. What if I snort? What if it's boring and I yawn? What if they talk about businessy stuff all night? What if I hate what they serve?
All these worries could be dismissed if I were a normal person. But, I'm not. I blurt out indescretions. I don't have a filter between my brain and my mouth. I get nervous during awkward silences and that's usually when things go terribly, terribly wrong. What's worse, is I drink too much when I'm nervous. And why am I so nervous----it's not like I'm meeting my boyfriend's parents. Well, my husband has about as much faith in me as my mother did during my teen years. The pressure, the pressure. I'm scerred.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
the holy trinity
He responds, "myself, God & Jesus".
uh-HUH. Alrighty then. Great answer. That should put him on the fast track to popularity! I guess that gets me off the hook from planning a big birthday bash for him next year.
That's all. Carry on, then.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
For crying out loud, how self-absorbed can one person possibly be? In my day we just had diaries with gay little locks on them that your crazy sister could open with a toothpick and then blackmail you for 3 years about what was written in it. Just saying...