Sunday, January 10, 2010

Y I am NOT a good wife

A friend of mine who's husband is a high-up advertising exec. at a very well known corporation was invited to a ball. You know, like formal gowns, tuxedos....yeah, that kind of ball. She accepted the invitation even tho her hubby was across the country and wouldn't be in attendance himself.

Ok, the likelihood of that happening in this house is slim to none and none just put glow stix around it's neck and went clubbing. Seriously, I would no more attend a company 'ball' with Jason, let alone without him. As I've mentioned, I don't do well in fancy, stuffy situations. At least when Jason is there, he can work the room like a pro while I just stand next to him and nod my head politely. (what? I can be charming when I wanna--I just never wanna)

Ok so back to my story. So, she's sitting at this table with all other exec wives and someone snaps a picture and texts it to her husband. Upon receipt, her husband immediately sends her a text telling her that she looks, "maaaaahvelous".

'K. Wanna hear how that situation would go down if that were to happen to Jason and myself. Yeah, if Jason received such a picture, he'd laugh at first, knowing that I was suffering. Then he's start flop sweating because he'd be so worried about that glass of champagne sitting in front of me. He knows what happens when I get nervous and add alcohol to the mix. You know where this is going.

So, the point of my story is that this friend of mine is a great wife. While I, am not. Well, there's 3,000 other reasons why I'm not a great wife, but this one just happens to be a great example.

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