Tuesday, August 5, 2008

movie tag lines that I reference weekly

Nobody puts baby in the corner, ~ Dirty Dancing
I like to use this reference most often when I'm attending a wedding where the bride and groom have the common sense to stick my husband and I in the corner of the reception.

I would expect this from BOB, but not you, Ritchie, ~La Bamba

I enjoy saying this line with a heavy Mexican dialect. It works best when there is a pair of men (brothers, for example) and the sensible one makes a bad decision.

The one that says Bad Mother F&*ker! , ~Pulp Fiction

I like to respond with this tag line when someone asks me 'which one is yours'.

Knock it off Napolean and go make yourself a dang Quesadilla, ~Napolean Dynamite

You absolutely have to pronounce quesadilla phonetically (kay-suh-dil-a). It works when someone is whining in the kitchen about how there's nothing to eat.

Ummmhmmmm.....I reckon I like them french fried potaters, ~Sling Blade

I don't have an example of an appropriate time to use this quote. It's creepy, but my husband does a stellar Billy Bob Thorton impression.

Drink your juice, Shelby, ~Steel Magnolia

Perfect for whenever Shelby drinks her juice....duh!

Waaaait, is she a great big fat person?, ~Silence of the Lambs

For the record, I don't condone making fun of heavy people. What I do condone however, is making fun of people who make fun of heavy people. Especially when those people have a nasaly, serial killer-type voice, like that of Buffalo Bill.

"Surely you can't be serious" , ~Airplane

And my visceral response will always be: I am serious and don't call me shirley

I won't be ignored, Dan, ~ Fatal Attraction
I lit-rally reference this at least daily. Mainly, when my sister won't return my calls.

Run, Forest.....Run.....!, ~Forest Gump
Perfect for when my 3 year old tries to run.

They're not dirty pillows mama, they're breasts., ~Carrie I have no words for this movie tag line, I just like it.

Don't shoot your friends, Joseph, ~Unbreakable This works well when you don't want Joseph to shoot his friends.

The Betty Broderick Story; A woman scorned, ~a Lifetime Movie Original There isn't any one specific line in this movie that I reference nearly as much as the title itself. I think it speaks volumes. It says, "you can't just divorce Meredith Baxter Birney and think you can get away with it. Oh. No. You. Can't".

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