Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Another embarrassment as it pertains to my son

When I started this blog, I swore up and down that it wasn't going to be a mommy site. That goes against every fiber of my being. I am 'mommy' 24/7 and didn't want that to spill into this. I wanted one, little, tiny shred of something to call my own.

As it turns out, I simply cannot turn off the mommy thing. Hell, the kids give me more material than anybody. The little bastards, God love 'em.

Ben celebrated the 100th day of school yesterday. In honor of this special occasion, they each brought in 100 items; cottonballs, cheerios, and the like. Ben had to fill out a questionaire with regard to the number 100. If you've read any of my blogs, you'll know that Ben's specialty is questionaires and one of these days, his Q&A's are surely going to land mommy in jail! One of the questions was, "If you had $100, what would you buy". Here's what my son wrote:

1. A Madlin (a mandolin)
2. math boks (math work books)
3. Fud (food)
4. A plant

What in the Sam Hill must his first grade teacher think of our family, I ask you? The child is given $100 bucks and he wants more math homework (apparently), a plant (clearly because we don't have any in our home because I kill them all), food (you know, because I apparently never buy any) and a fiddle. What in the world does he want with a fiddle? It's like we're living in the hills of West Virginia. ....Asking for food & and a fiddle for pity's sake. Why didn't he just ask for a pair of shoes and get it overwith?

You'll be happy to know I went grocery shopping today and I purchased not one, but two age-appropriate math workbooks for him. As for the plant & the mandolin, I'll plead the 5th on that one!

Good day!

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