Frankly, I'm tired of talking about my kids. They've hogged far too much time on my blog as it is. I mean, I know they're funny and all, but enough's enough. It just occurred to me that I've never mentioned my most prized possession. (this is the part where I'm supposed to say 'besides my kids, of course'). Luna is my 9 yr old Yellow Lab and I love her ever so, ever so much. I wouldn't go as far as to say that she's the best dog in the world. Or even the brightest dog (not being real bright seems to be a trend in our family....hmm). But, the love I have for her is borderline ridiculous.
Below are bullet points, which highlight just how much I love her:
Dogs rule!
Below are bullet points, which highlight just how much I love her:
- I will drag my kids out of my bed because they toss and turn and fidget while they sleep (like their father). While on the other hand, I'll hang off the side of the bed, sacrificing my own comfort to ensure Luna's .
- I won't yell at Luna when she eats the kids' toys. Sometimes I encourage it because I think she looks darling when she chews on a toy.
- I don't let my kids give Luna a treat---only me---because I want her to love me the best.
- Gabe doesn't get in trouble for hitting Ben but he gets put in the naughty chair and sometimes gets a spanking if he so much as sticks his tongue out at Luna.
- I feed Luna long before I feed the rest of the family.
- If she has an accident in the house, I worry that she's sick, instead of scolding her.
- If she does get in trouble, I immediately forgive her because she looks so pathetic with her ears back.
- If I've been gone for a while, I'll hug the kids and what not, but I'll make a big stink out of greeting Luna. My mother in law has actually pointed out that I might show favoritism toward Luna. (umm...might?)
- I dress Luna up and take pictures of her I have an entire photo album dedicated to Luna
- I used to stand outside with her, holding an umbrella above her, if it was raining. (I've since stopped this act of kindness, but the point it, that I used to)
- I think it's charming the way she cuts me off on the stairs. I feel like she's racing me down the steps and I always let her win. I'd probably trip the boys if they tried to cut me off like that.
- I'm considering having her stuffed after she's gone.
- If I could bottle her smell, I would.
- The soft fur behind her ears is the closest thing to Heaven that I'll probably ever come.
- One time, Jason was grilling steaks and she helped herself to one, right off the plate. She walked in front of us, laid down and ate it. She was like, "what"? And I was like, "nothing". I admired her chutzpah.
- I've sat on the floor to make room for her on the couch. Well, actually....that was only true with our old furniture. She's not allowed on the new furniture (but secretly, I pretend not to notice if I see her up there). I want her to be comfortable for Gad's sake.
- I'd consider cloning her.
- She's often who I'm most happy to see at the end of the day.
- When she smiles, I could just about melt.
- As I type this, her head is on my lap.
- I change her bandanna almost every day. She has her birthday bandanna, several Christmas, Halloween & Valentines ones. Right now she's wearing a Hawaiian one. She even has a Harley Davidson one for when she's feeling like a bad ass and a Rockford Rams one that she wears during football season. She's fancy.
- She likes to hump the heads of other dogs. If the other dog growls, I get mad at that dog for rejecting my dog.
- I don't like people who don't like my dog. I'm aware that she's not well behaved and that she's very in-your-face. She has this way of finding the only non-dog-lover in the group and then she just kinda leans on them and puts her head on their shoulder until they'll acknowledge her. It's precious. Most people think she's obnoxious. Yeah, well....she is my dog, after all.
- And lastly (well not lastly, but this particular bullet point presentation could go on for days) She definitely has OCD tendencies. She circles the kitchen table twice before she goes outside and other various oddities. I find them endearing.
Dogs rule!
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