Wednesday, June 18, 2008

I met a gay.

I've waited most of my adult life to befriend a gay and it finally happened. The most charming fellow works at TJ Maxx. He's darling and he likes to chat me up. During some of my futile shopping trips, we've discussed, Kathy Griffin (love her), Barbara Walters, John & Kate plus 8, Little People, Tori Spelling, dog sitting for his vacationing friends, the fact that my 3 year old calls me by my first name (Leslie), etc. etc. He humors me, I humor him, it's mutual. I get his advice on manly things and the like.

On my way home from the store, I began day dreaming about the two of us becoming close friends. We'd go out for drinks, my husband wouldn't even care, because after all, he's gay. Although, my new friend refers to himself as "Happy", not gay. Now, I don't know him from anything, but I think he's kinda bitchy, which is most favorite attribute. I'd imagine he's the critical type who would judge everyone in our line of vision. He shall be a bridesmaid in my next wedding, because he's got flair and all.... I'd even bring him to Bunko with me, to show him off to my lady friends.....he'd be my "show & tell". Awe!

I'm off to clear a space in the basement. He might want to become roommates, once we get to know each other a tad better.

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