Sunday, November 22, 2009

random thoughts & observations

I've realized I've developed tourette's in my old age. So, instead of blogging about a broad topic, I'm just going to randomly spout off about things that are on my mind. Hence, random thoughts and observations.

Rumor Willis. Is that the most tragic looking girl, or what? Her mother is Demi Moore and her father is Bruce Willis and she looks like..... a jalapeno. Seriously. Her face is the shape of a chili pepper of sorts. I can't put my finger on what makes her so incredibly homely. Is it her misaligned jaw or her bulbous chin? I've yet to win a beauty contest, so I really can't point fingers, but damn....her mother is the pinnacle of beauty and she looks like something out of a Picasso painting. It's just unfortunate, is what it is. Bless her heart.

Also, along those same lines, let's talk about Sam Bernstein and the entire Bernstein clan. I'll recap for any of you who don't know who Sam Bernstein is. He is the malpractice/slip & fall/personal injury attorney guru. He spends a gazillion dollars every year on advertising. When he was just Sam Bernstein, he had made an impressive name for himself---he should have left it at that. But, his three children decided to become lawyers and go into the family biz. You have never, and I mean never, seen such unattractive children....all belonging to one man. My God. There's two sons and a daughter. Each one more homely than the next. One of the boys is totally cross eyed and has a terrible lisp. Unfortunate, indeed! Sam, himself isn't exactly good looking, but he's not God-awful, either. Whatever genes he and his wife share.....clearly don't mix well. Do me a them. Just for kicks.

Do Asians joke that all Whites look alike?

Family Guy. Ok, I spent 5 or more years poo pooing that show because I was certain that nothing good would come from an adult cartoon. I couldn't have been more wrong. I love that show, beyond words can express. I realized that people (myself included) who claim they don't like the Family Guy, are simply too stupid to get the Family Guy. It's brilliant. The references are what make it so absolutely hilarious. Feel free to leave me comments about your favorite Family Guy episodes.
Well Owe-Right.

Giggity, giggity. Giggity-goo.

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