Wednesday, September 24, 2008


If you haven't read my story "Gang Wars", stop reading this blog, go back and read it. This blog is a sequel to Gang Wars.

Now then, this tale picks up where Gang Wars left off (which is pretty much what a sequel does). You may remember a tiny little caterpillar riding into my home on my Cable Guy's boot. Well, that was 10 days ago and that stinking thing is still here. I left it in a small Tupperware container and I give him water and a fresh leaf every day.

At first it was cute. Mom catches a caterpillar. Mom shows her boys the caterpillar. Boys couldn't possibly be less interested. Mom grows resentful of the caterpillar and it's neediness. Oldest story in the book.


But no. The caterpillar remains. It has the longest hair I have ever seen on a caterpillar. It's like a fraggle rock muppet. It's got this crazy, long, wispy hair. So, the first 5 days, it didn't move. It ate like a champ, but it never moved. I decided it was depressed. My sister's theory was that it's hair was too long to walk. I like that theory all right, but because it's MY caterpillar, chances are, it's depressed. Mental illness runs in the family, after all. So, it doesn't move. It just sits and eats all day long. Then it hit me. It's my mother. She's come back in the form of a caterpillar. She always told us that when she died, she'd come back as a butterfly so she could fly around and look over us. There are even butterflies on her box (ashes..get your mind out of the gutter). So, all of these clues are all leading me to believe that it's Helen. She's come to look after me. That's why she won't leave. It's as obvious as the nose on my face. (If you've seen my face, you'd know how blatantly obvious it is)

So, I went to show my youngest the caterpillar one day, you know, to introduce him to his Grammy. And it was gone. GONE! I was somewhat devastated, but if I knew Helen like I think I did, it was most likely on it's way to Walmart. Now, everyone knows the chances of finding a caterpillar on the way to Walmart is nearly impossible, so I accepted his departure and embraced his freedom.

When my older son got home from school that day, I showed him the empty bowl and explained that our caterpillar was gone. Well, who was sitting back on his leaf, but the caterpillar. It was a miracle, if ever I've seen one. It found it's way back home, all by itself, it did. He knew where his bread got buttered. Who's your mommy? Well, technically, he was actually my mommy, but since I was taking care of it, I would be the mommy. It's funny how you switch roles once your parents grow old. Or die. The child becomes the parent and so forth.

Once I came to realize that caterpillar was here to stay and is as much a part of this family as anyone, I've grown to like the little guy. I like to watch him walk the perimeter of his bowl. Bless his heart, he's dumber than a box of rocks, he just walks around and around and around the lip of the bowl, never once attempting to step one foot (or 300 feet) outside of his comfort zone. I've made quite a home for him. He'd be crazy to leave. At first his constant needs bothered me. The cleaning of the bowl, the agonizing, the pulling of the leaves every morning, the fresh water...Oy. But really, having one extra "thing" to take care of isn't such a big deal. I already do everything for everyone all day long, so what's a little more? (that's the Jewish mother (martyr) in me)

I think mom/caterpillar really likes it here. As you know, my mother's remains are here with me. If you don't know this, please read blog entitled, "Helen's Homecoming". Her ashes may be up on my built-in bookshelves, but her soul is right here on my kitchen counter. She's really thinking outside the "box" these days. Good thing too, because she was getting to be a real "square". OMG, I am cracking myself up right now.

So, ta-ta for now. Mom/Caterpillar and I are going homecoming dress shopping.


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