Donkeys & Elephants
Who's sick of all the political mumbo jumbo? It's shoved down my throat every time I log onto my computer, each time I turn on the T.V. and it's in every newspaper & magazine that I've read. It's maddening. It's boring and most of all, it's excessive.
OK, it's the end of Oct. I'm fairly certain we know who we're going to vote for. Like any debate is going to sway us one way or the other. Unless one of the candidates comes forward and announces that he likes to participate in live donkey shows, I'm quite confident each presidential candidate has said his piece. (and yes, it's piece, not peace, like I thought it was up until a few months ago when I was corrected--so HA, don't go thinking you're smarter than me).
With that said, let's talk about the lawn signs. People, I'm taking a huge risk in saying this, but, it's tacky. It is. Why are you so insistent upon making your vote known? Just because you post a McCain sign in your yard, do you really think that will influence your neighbors to actually vote for McCain? "Hey, know, the Cline's are voting for McCain. I think we should do the same. Alrighty, than it's settled". How narrow minded is that. By pushing your beliefs onto others, you're really just letting everyone know where you stand. But, here's the thing. No one cares. All it does is create tension because no matter which way you vote, you're bound to piss someone off. Keep it to yourself. To me, it's like posting religious signs in your yard. "METHODIST'S LIVE HERE" or "WE BREAK FOR BAPTISTS". It's simply not necessary. It's no one's business but your own.
I'll even take this a step further. Stealing the opposing candidates signs. Really? Really, you're that much against the running mate that you'll waste energy and commit vandalism in spite of him? "I know...if I steal this sign, my neighbors won't be reminded that there's another running mate and our guy will WIN"!!! That's so... childish.
Lastly, my first grader came home from school yesterday and said, "Mom, my class wants the other guy to win and so I do too". Seriously? First graders are talking about it... er, more like regurgitating what their parents have been discussing. It's sick. And we wonder why our country is full of arrogant, racist, narrow minded, ignorant fools.
1 comment:
Ever notice that the election is just following Halloween? More importantly, Devil's night? So, without yard signs, how would I know who's trees to TP? Its like Passover. Lambs blood over the door? Oh spirit of death, passover this house. Your candidate's yard sign on their lawn or bumper sticker on their car? Don't set the flaming bag of dog poop on their door step or soap their windows. Who said politics and religion don't mix?
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